ETH-Denver 2024 Clash-of-Channels

Farcaster's first multiplayer channel game engaged users from 16 Warpcast channels in a daily question challenge for a channel vs. channel knockout clash. Using Liquality’s Collectives SDK to create onchain groups out of channels and reward users based on their group participation.

ETH-Denver 2024 Clash-of-Channels

Farcaster's first multiplayer channel game engaged users from 16 Warpcast channels in a daily question challenge for a channel vs. channel knockout clash. Using Liquality’s Collectives SDK to create onchain groups out of channels and reward users based on their group participation.

ETH-Denver 2024 Clash-of-Channels

Farcaster's first multiplayer channel game engaged users from 16 Warpcast channels in a daily question challenge for a channel vs. channel knockout clash. Using Liquality’s Collectives SDK to create onchain groups out of channels and reward users based on their group participation.

ETH-Denver 2024 Clash-of-Channels


Farcaster's first multiplayer channel game engaged users from 16 Warpcast channels in a daily question challenge for a channel vs. channel knockout clash. Using Liquality’s Collectives SDK to create onchain groups out of channels and reward users based on their group participation.

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ETH-Denver 2024 Clash-of-Channels


Farcaster's first multiplayer channel game engaged users from 16 Warpcast channels in a daily question challenge for a channel vs. channel knockout clash. Using Liquality’s Collectives SDK to create onchain groups out of channels and reward users based on their group participation.

Liquality’s Collectives SDK transformed these channels into onchain collectives, enabling members to collaborate towards a common goal (winning $10k) without requiring sign-ups or multi-sig, while still keeping individual’s flexibility to participate on their own terms.



The Frame Quiz addresses the challenge of increasing community engagement by providing an interactive platform for casters and viewers to participate in friendly competition and collaborative activities. By leveraging collectives, Warpcast channels can coordinate group efforts and pool resources toward common goals, fostering unity and shared purpose among members. Delivering Collectives via Frames solves a big part of the cold-start problem that the stand-alone app would have while standardizing the UX.


At the time, frames had just launched and lacked established frameworks. The Liquality team developed the components needed for this campaign. One challenge was generating dynamic images on frames to keep the leaderboard updated.


The success of the Frame Quiz highlights the potential of multiplayer channel games as a scalable gaming model within the Warpcast/Farcaster ecosystem. This model can be adapted and expanded to accommodate larger communities and diverse gaming experiences in the future. Channels with strong pre-existing group identities (e.g., mfers) showed more enthusiasm for collaboration compared to those centered around a single common interest (e.g., founders, geo-based).

Use cases

The Frame Quiz framework can be applied to facilitate community engagement, gamification, and collaborative activities, especially as frames mature and more features become availble.